
Discovering Single Tooth Dental Implants

April 30, 2024

Tooth loss is an unfortunate fact of life for many people, whether due to injury, decay or gum disease. In the United States alone, millions of individuals are missing at least one tooth. A missing tooth can have a significant impact on your oral health and function, but it may also affect your appearance, self-esteem, and confidence. At Stanford Ranch Family Dentistry, we understand how important it is to replace a missing tooth, which is why we offer a range of solutions including conventional fixed bridgework and dental implants.

Traditional Fixed Bridgework vs Dental Implants

In the past, a fixed dental bridge was the most common method for replacing a single missing tooth. A bridge consists of an artificial tooth held in place by two dental crowns placed on the teeth adjacent to the gap left by the missing tooth. While dental bridges remain an effective and satisfying method for tooth replacement, you may also be a candidate for a single-tooth dental implant.

The Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants represent the most advanced method of replacing missing teeth available today. They offer several benefits over traditional approaches to care. First and foremost, unlike conventional bridgework, a dental implant eliminates the need to prepare and crown adjacent teeth. Dental implants are entirely self-supporting, meaning that a single dental implant restored with a crown will be an effective and permanent replacement for a missing tooth.

Preserving Bone Mass and Supporting Facial Contours

In addition to supporting a single crown, a dental implant offers another important benefit. When a tooth gets extracted or lost, the bone that previously supported it will resorb over time. This shrinkage can eventually compromise the support and cosmetic result for future restorations and even result in facial sagging. However, since a dental implant gets placed directly into the jawbone and behaves the same way as the root of a natural tooth, it provides the ongoing stimulation necessary to preserve bone mass and support facial contours.

Dental Implants: The Versatile Solution for Missing Teeth

Dental implants represent the most versatile solution for replacing missing teeth. In addition to replacing a single missing tooth, dental implants can replace multiple missing teeth up to an entire smile! They provide outstanding support for long-span bridgework and full-arch restoration and even offer added retention and stability to removable dentures.

Why Choose Stanford Ranch Family Dentistry for Your Dental Implants?

At the office of Stanford Ranch Family Dentistry, you can rest assured your smile is in the best of hands. We provide precise and gentle care and use the latest treatment methods and generations of dental ceramics to give you a smile you're proud to share. Patient comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities, and we're here for you every step of the way. Call today to learn more about single-tooth dental implants and all the implant solutions we offer or to schedule an appointment for care.

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